5. Tutorial (ChIP-seq, S. serevisiae)#
This tutorial is for the analysis of S. cerevisiae. For human analysis, see Tutorial. The sample scripts are also available at Chrros GitHub site.
). Please add singularity exec churros.sif
before each command below.singularity exec churros.sif download_genomedata.sh
5.1. Get data#
Here we use Scc1 and RPO21 ChIP-seq data from Jeppsson et al., Sci Adv, 2022.
mkdir -p fastq
for id in SRR13065962 SRR13065963 SRR13065966 SRR13065967 SRR13065972 SRR13065973 SRR13065974 SRR13065975
fastq-dump --gzip $id -O fastq
and build-index.sh
for genome build. See Appendix for the detail of genome build.mkdir -p log
# download the genome
download_genomedata.sh $build Referencedata_$build/ 2>&1 | tee log/Referencedata_$build
# make Bowtie2 index
build-index.sh -p $ncore bowtie2 Referencedata_$build
5.2. Prepare sample list#
Churros takes two input files, samplelist.txt
and samplepairlist.txt
that describes the detail of samples to be analyzed.
5.2.1. samplelist.txt#
is a tab-delimited file (TSV) that describes the sample labels and corresponding fastq files.
Multiple fastq files can be specified by separateing with ,
Scc1_DMSO fastq/SRR13065962.fastq.gz
Input_Scc1_DMSO fastq/SRR13065963.fastq.gz
Scc1_thiolutin fastq/SRR13065966.fastq.gz
Input_Scc1_thiolutin fastq/SRR13065967.fastq.gz
RPO21_DMSO fastq/SRR13065972.fastq.gz
Input_RPO21_DMSO fastq/SRR13065973.fastq.gz
RPO21_thiolutin fastq/SRR13065974.fastq.gz
InputRPO21_thiolutin fastq/SRR13065975.fastq.gz
See label_samplelist_pairedend for paired-end fastqs.
5.2.2. samplepairlist.txt#
is a comma-delimited file (CSV) that describes the ChIP/Input pairs as follows:
ChIP-sample label
Input-sample label
peak mode
ChIP and input sample labels should be identical to those in samplelist.txt
Input samples can be omitted if unavailable.
is used for the output files.
peak mode
is either [sharp|broad|sharp-nomodel|broad-nomodel]
. This parameter is used for peak calling by MACS2.
Because MACS2 is not designed for small genomes such as yeast, the fragment length estimation sometimes fails.
Therefore here we specify sharp-nomodel
that skips the model building.
5.3. Running Churros#
command executes all steps from mapping reads to visualization.
Here we use --preset scer
option to adjust the parameter setting to S. serevisiae.
churros --preset scer -p 12 samplelist.txt samplepairlist.txt sacCer3 Referencedata_sacCer3
-p 12
specifies the number of CPUs. sacCer3
is the UCSC genome build and Referencedata_sacCer3
is the directory generated by download_genomedata.sh
and build-index.sh
See Tutorial for the detail and output of churros_mapping
, churros_callpeak
and churros_compare
5.4. churros_visualize: visualize read distributions by DROMPA+#
For a small genome (e.g., yeast), the sequencing depth is generally enough (> 10-fold). In such cases, the genome-wide ChIP/Input enrichment distribution is informative because the technical and biological bias in high throughput sequencing can be minimized.
has the option --enrich
to visualize ChIP/Input enrichment in pdf format.
visualizes read distribution as pdf format.
churros_visualize samplepairlist.txt drompa+ \
sacCer3 Referencedata_sacCer3 --preset scer --enrich
--preset scer
option changes the width and smoothing width for the small genome.
In addition, --logratio
option makes the enrichment in log-scale.
churros_visualize samplepairlist.txt drompa+.logscale \
sacCer3 Referencedata_sacCer3 --preset scer --enrich --logratio